A leader in the archaeological consultant industry
The Archaeologists Inc.(TAI), was formed to provide a rapid process of archaeological assessments to facilitate the development community. After being involved in several large phase projects in Briton, we felt that many of the techniques and equipment used there in the excavation of large scale urban sites, could be applied to archaeological sites in Ontario. We felt that by utilizing these techniques and equipment we could not only attain a higher level of accuracy and information from the archaeological deposit, but we would be dramatically reducing the time spent in the field excavating a deposit. Our equipment and techniques have provided us with the ability to double our productivity while making the physicality of our work far less taxing on our field workers. As a result of making equipment and technology bear the brunt of arduous labour, our workers have been with us for years and are highly experienced. This experience allows us to ensure efficient and effective services and qualifies us as a leader in the archaeological consultant industry.
Who we are…
The Archaeologists Inc. is a group of professional archaeological consultants that has the demonstrated capability to effectively handle any archaeological study, regardless of size or complexity. We routinely provide services for small construction projects and at the other extreme, we have performed long-term, multi-year archaeological studies on areas covering thousands of acres of land.
What we do…
The archaeologists Inc. offers state-of-the-art geospatial data management capabilities that dramatically improve productivity and client access to critical project information. We routinely use advanced data management and mapping software to meet our project requirements. The integration of this technology into our archaeological operations has improved the productivity of our personnel significantly.