We use non-intrusive methods to understand the size and complexity of the site without excavation.
With the use of geophysical equipment, The Archaeologists Inc.’s Geophysical Investigations Section, We have been able to identify, with a high degree of accuracy, the limits of cemeteries and the numbers of interments present for many cemeteries in southern Ontario. These data provide clients with necessary information for better planning and protection of cemeteries.
We do offer the same cemetery services as other consultants. We no longer however, use third party gradall operators to help strip areas to confirm the presence or absence of graves. Too many times the learning curve for such an operator proved to be costly. For the past three years we have been using one of our own licenced archaeologist to operate our company mini-excavator with a smooth bucket to check for the presence of graves. This has proven to be far more efficient and cost effective than a gradall.
Once the corner and police have determined that this is not a murder or recent episode, the Registrar of Cemeteries makes a determination as to what will happen to the interment or interments. If bodies are allowed to be exhumed and moved to a registered cemetery, this is done with dignity and bodies are placed individually in wooden coffins. All grave associations are kept as they were originally buried. We do not compile people in mass plots.